Apple listed as exhibitor at next year’s Mobile World Congress

Apple is slated to make an appearance at the 2017 Mobile World Congress, reportsMacRumors. The site points to a page (which has since been pulled) on the MWC website, which shows the company has booked exhibitor space for the event.
This is significant for a few reasons. For one, Mobile World Congress is the world’s largest exhibition and conference for the mobile industry. And two, Apple’s been absent from most major trade shows and conferences since the early 2000’s.
Babel PR pointed us towards Apple’s exhibitor listing, which shows the company has booked space in the App Planet in Hall 8.1, as well as two spaces in the upper level that runs above Hall 2 in the Fira Gran Via Conference Centre. 
App Planet is described as “a unique area focusing on the latest technology from the fast-moving apps industry,” so Apple’s presence could be related to promoting the App Store ecosystem or Planet of the Apps.
Apple’s other upper level spaces appear to be meeting rooms, suggesting the company’s presence may not be public facing. This would be unsurprising, given Apple has shifted new product announcements to its own media events. 
Mobile World Congress 2017 will take place in Barcelona, and run from February 27 to March 2.
Source: MacRumors


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