How to jailbreak iOS 8.1.2 using Mac OS X

It is now possible to jailbreak iOS 8.1.2 using a Mac, and this has been confirmed by iDownloadBlog. Up until this point, no Mac option existed for jailbreaking iOS 8.1.2, but that is no longer the case. A new tool entitled PP jailbreak for Mac has surfaced, allowing Mac users to enjoy what Windows users have been enjoying for some time now. Inside, we have a tutorial that shows how to jailbreak iOS 8.1.2 using OS X with the PP jailbreak for Mac.

Disclaimer: We’ve reached out to the normal people who comment about the safety of new jailbreak tools, but have yet to hear anything official from them. With this in mind, proceed with this jailbreak at your own risk.
Step 1: Restore your iPhone to iOS 8.1.2, and disable Find My iPhone, Passcode lock, and place your device into AirPlane mode.
Step 2: Ensure that your iPhone is connected directly to your Mac via USB cable
Step 3: Download the PP jailbreak for Mac tool and save it to your desktop
Step 4: Double click on the ppjailbreak.dmg on your desktop to mount the volume
Step 5: Drag the PP越狱.app file to the Applications folder
Step 6: Double click the PP越狱.app in the Applications folder to open it and make sure it recognizes your device
Step 7: Uncheck the pp checkmark box in the bottom left-hand corner.
Step 8: Click the jailbreak button in the middle of the screen
Step 9: Click the button in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen on the next page
Step 10: Wait until the jailbreak process completes. You’ll see a green checkmark once the tool has finished running. Wait until your device reboots and you should see Cydia. Disable AirPlane mode and then open Cydia to finish the setup

I have been able to personally confirm that this tool works for jailbreaking iOS 8.0-iOS 8.1.x on Mac OS X. What about you? What has your experience been like thus far? Sound off down below in the comments.


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