Anatomy of an iOS 7 icon redesign

iOS 7 is coming this fall - perhaps as soon as mid-September - and in terms of design language and user experience, it'll hit like something shot out of a mass driver. Not only will customers have to transition to a newly objectified, gamified, and dynamic interface, developers and designers will have create matching, perhaps transcending apps to go along with it. How much work will that be? Well, the incredibly talented and generous team over at the Iconfactory have shared their journey in updating xScope mirror for iOS 7:
Translating the icon for xScope’s Mirror app was our very first foray into the flattened world of iOS 7. We went through two-dozen variations adjusting line weights, colors, shapes and layouts until finally arriving at the design seen above.
Personally, I'm going to miss the richly textured work of craftspeople like the Iconfactory, but I'm incredibly excited to see what the same talent can bring to a post-richly textured world. Check out the full post, and their project manager,Cheryl Culling's follow up, Flat is the New Black, for some amazing insights into why, in this case, simpler isn't necessarily any easier.


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