Reeder for iPhone update now live, Feedly support arrives in the nick of time

We heard just a few days ago that popular RSS reading app, Reeder for iPhone, was going free while an update for the Google-pocalypse was awaiting approval by Apple. That update has now been approved, and not a moment too soon as Google Reader has now closed its doors for good.

Reeder already offered alternatives to Google Reader, but the big news here is Feedly support. Since Google first announced the closure of Reader, Feedly has lept to the front of the queue of budding replacements. Their user count has increased substantially since then, but their own iOS app doesn't suit everyone.
Feed Wrangler support is also included in this latest version of Reeder, though it's likely the Feedly support a larger number of users were waiting on. It's still showing as free for the time being in the App Store, so grab it quickly, as we pour one out for our dear, old departed friend.


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