Pocket Casts updated with 64-bit support and other goodies

I still have yet to find the perfect podcast app that does everything I want, but most of them are good enough to get by. I will say that I seem to fare best with my podcast app flavor of the month, Pocket Casts.
There’s a reason why Pocket Casts is my podcast app of choice, at least for the moment. It’s fast, well designed, and its developers are quick on the draw when it comes to pushing out timely updates. Updates just like this one…
The big news here is the implementation of 64-bit support for iPhone 5S owners, and soon, iPad Air, and iPad mini with Retina Display owners. Along with that, there’s the reappearance of the Giant Skip Buttons that went M.I.A. a while back, coupled with enhanced sorting options, which are demonstrated in the GIF animation above. Here’s the full change long for those of you who prefer all of the meticulous details:
What’s new in version 4.2?
  • For the mobile quick tappers: the 'Giant Skip Buttons of Yore' are back, tap either side of the artwork to skip back and forth on your iPhone. Turn it off in settings if you find it too confronting.
  • For the meticulous: Unplayed episode counts now shown on podcast artwork. Yay!
  • For the organized: Podcast tiles can now be sorted by latest episode date or title, drag down on the tiles view to see the options.
  • For the tech nerds: 32 extra bits of awesome added for those lucky ducks who have 64 bit devices.
  • For the designer in all of us: Lots of visual improvements, tweaks and enhancements.
  • For the frustrated: Over 50 unique bugs squashed, involving everything from having 12,000 episodes in an episode filter to holding your phone upside down in the rain.
You can download Pocket Casts right now for $3.99 on the App Store.


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