How to save battery life on your iPhone and iPad by tweaking Notification Center settings

iPhone and iPad battery life is a precious commodity we just can't seem to get enough of. All of our social networks, email accounts, texts, and other apps want to send us notifications, which in turn, consumes more battery life. Sometimes tweaking settings in Notification Center can actually save quite a bit of battery life.
Here's what we recommend trying:
  1. Launch the Settings app from the Home screen of your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Tap on Notifications.
  3. FInd an app that frequently sends you notifications and tap on its name.
  4. Scroll down towards the bottom and you'll see an option for View in Lock Screen.
  5. Turn this option to Off for any apps that aren't important to be displayed on your Lock Screen.

By doing this, you'll still receive push notifications and you'll hear the tones, your screen just will not light up and they won't filter into your actual Lock Screen area. Upon unlocking your iPhone or iPad, checking Notification Center will still show them, they just won't appear in the Lock Screen portion. Basically, your screen doesn't light up every time you receive a notification from these apps any longer when the View on Lock Screen option is turned off. Less screen use equals better battery life. By doing this myself, I gained about an extra 15 to 25% battery life per day.
I've found this to be useful on apps I still want to know I'm receiving notifications for but don't necessarily need them on my Lock Screen such as Twitter and Facebook. I've also only get email notifications set up for VIP when it comes to the Lock Screen.
Try it out and let us know if you're getting better battery life!

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1 comment:

  1. Doing this all notifications will be enable. But i want to disable some unwanted notifications, how to disable them? notification software
