Calmi: toggle vibration with the silent/ringer switch

I rarely use ringtones with my iPhone. In fact, I can’t even remember the last time I’ve heard my ringtone, because my iPhone stays on silent mode 99% of the time.
Sometimes I find that even the motor from the vibration is too much for me, so I quickly tap the volume buttons to completely silence the phone. Calmi is a jailbreak tweak for people like me. It’s a tweak that allows you to turn the ringer/vibrate switch into a vibrate/silent switch.
Calmi Settings
There really isn’t much to be said about Calmi, other than the fact that it features a kill switch in the Settings app. Oh, and that little coffee icon in the settings is pretty cool too. If you want to try out Calmi, then skedaddle on over to Cydia’s BigBoss repo where it can be had for free.

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