Auxo coming to iPad next month

Folks, it’s almost here. Yes, Auxo is coming to the iPad next month. As you know, Auxo is one of my own personal favorite jailbreak tweaks, and for good reason. It completely re-imagines the iOS app switcher, giving users the ability to see full screen previews of running apps.
While I always thought Auxo looked great on the iPhone 5′s larger screen, I’d imagine it will look even better on the iPad. The screenshot above pretty much says as much.

We don’t know the exact day that Auxo for iPad will be released, but it’s fairly safe to say that it will be out sometime in May. Of course, I will have a full in-depth preview of the tweak as it nears release. Stay tuned. And in the mean time, check out our original review of Auxofor iPhone.

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