Auxo 1.4 Released To Bring New Toggles and Fix the Crashes - There are tons of Cydia Apps and tweaks in Cydia Store and we have already published a list of our mostfavouretd tweaks. Auxo is one of the most popular Jailbreak tweaks for iOS 6 because it is inspired from a completely renewed switch concept for iOS. Auxo will replace the normal multitasking application switch with the a preview of the Application. There are also many toggles added so you can do little tasks right from the Multitasking tray without navigating to settings app.
Auxo 1.4 Released To Bring New Toggles and Fix the Crashes
If you have used Auxo since last 3 months and are loving it, we have a good news because the developer has rolled out an update to Auxo. This new update which is dubbed as Auxo 1.4 will not only fix the small glitches in the previous versions but also brings different toggles in the multitasking tray. One of the noticeable feature is change in the slider bars of Brightness adjuster and Music control. They are now bigger as compared to theprevious version, so you can easily tap on them to adjust the brightness and music volume.
The developer has also brought some new toggle in this version such as addition of “Do Not Disturb” toggle, Auto Lock duration, Flashlight feature, and the toggle for native Settings application. This is a must have update for every previous users, however, if you haven’t installed Auxo yet, you can download it from BigBoss Repo in CydiaStore for just $1.99 only.
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