Addial allows you to add contacts and dial numbers straight from Notification Center

Addial 02
Addial (pronounced ad-yal) is a recently released tweak that allows you to add a new contact or dial a phone number directly from Notification Center. Its design is much in the same style as the stock iOS “tap to” widgets, like Facebook, and Twitter, so it fits right into Notification Center without standing out like a sore thumb.
Tapping the Add Contact button will bring up the same sheet that you normally see when adding a new contact. The Dial Phone button, brings up a phone dialer, along with a popup window containing the digits for the number you wish to dial. This isn’t the most elegant way of adding a new contact or dialing a number, but it serves the purpose well.
Addial features a preference pane in the Settings app for localizing the tweak. This means that you can change the text found on the Add Contact and Dial Phone buttons to anything of your choice.

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