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» Pi MusicBox Turns Your Raspberry Pi Into a Spotify Server
Pi MusicBox is a bootable image that makes it easy to turn the Raspberry Pi
into a Spotify
Server.Operate Spotify from your couch with this ready to eat software for the Raspberry Pi. A lot of people have problems getting the Pi to work as a remote Spotify-player. This bootable image makes it a lot easier. As a bonus, it includes AirTunes support.Features:● Working Spotify server based on Mopidy, which can be remotely controlled with a nice browser-interface, or with an MPD-client● AirTunes streaming● No need for tinkering, no need to use the Linux commandline● USB Audio support (supporting all kinds of USB soundcards, speakers, headphones).● The analog port works, but the sound quality is not great. Flat so to say. This is a hardware problem (to get the Pi as cheap as it is, they had to use cheap hardware to produce sound). An external USB soundcard is recommended for better sound quality.● Wifi support (WPA, if the Pi-kernel supports your wifi-adapter)● This image is also a great way to get started with tinkering for other ways of using the Pi as a Music playing device, because it solves a lot of problems. (Mopidy can e.g. be modified to play local music-files, but it's not enabled at the moment.) You can get more information and instructions on how to use the image at the link below...Read More 
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